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We are passionate about providing quality products and exceptional support.

6100 Corporate Drive, Suite 234
Houston, TX 77036 USA

Users testimonials

I just want to express my gratitude for assisting us in our transition from our old body cam system to Visiologix. The Visiologix products are easy to operate, efficient, and provide quality video/audio. The customer service you provided during the switch was outstanding; and remains so since our switch. Thank you again for you continued help.”

Captain Brent McCain, Paragoud Police Department

“In our industry, quality is paramount. Whether speaking to equipment or customer service, the professionals at Visiologix have far exceeded our expectations in every way. Their technical service team is second to none and continue to provide expedient customer service and comprehensive solutions for our every need; be it software or hardware. We are very pleased with their commitment to excellence and look forward to a successful partnership in the coming years with Visiologix.”

Lt. Travis Engler – Criminal Investigations Division, Jackson County Sheriff’s Office

“The VisioLogix camera is ideal for our department application. The audio and video quality is great! The camera covers more area then cameras we’ve had in the past and the audio is nice and clear. The night vision option was another reason we purchased these cameras. The software is user friendly, easy to use and automatically purges accidental recording and recordings that have no relevance that saves on storage space where we know that storing video evidence is an issue.”

Sergeant Brad McNeill – Parke County Sheriff’s Office

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Meet our awesome staff

Customer Service is our passion.

Lorena Golveo, Product Specialist
Lorena Golveo, Product Specialist
We don’t just sell. We must listen to our customers’ needs.
Junior Sutitanom, Product Development
Junior Sutitanom, Product Development
We do trade shows not just to sell but to listen to the needs of our customers for better product improvements.
Robert Hayhurst, Product Support
Robert Hayhurst, Product Support
Customer support and training is my top priority. Having customers understand and use 100% of our products allows for a carefree system.